Баянгол дүүрэг "VIP center" төв #503 тоот
Phone 91017112
Mon-Fri 12:00-19:00
In case of lost passport

In case of lost passport

Depending on the validity period of your foreign passport, if you need to get a RESIDENCE card again, we offer you the opportunity to get it again...

GLOBAL CHANNEL KNOWLEDGE OUTPUT NGO has been operating steadily since 2014. We have been conducting courses in English, Korean, Chinese, Japanese and Mongolian. Between 2019 and 2021, it took a break during the global corona virus, and now we resume and conducting courses in Mongolian, English and Korean. As of 2023, more than 250 students from Russia, Korea, Inner Mongolia and Mongolia are permanently enrolled in 6-month to 1-year courses.

By participating in our training program, you can: accumulate in-depth knowledge from beginner to advanced. We also have community programs for you. It includes:

-Crime prevention training seminars for foreign students from the Police Department of Mongolia. /2 times/

-Sports day /once a month/

-Get acquainted with national culture and art. /2 times/

-Presentation on the day the Constitution of Mongolia. /2 times/

-New Year’s party /1 time/

-Graduation 1 time.

-If you want to participate in a charity campaign, you can join.

-Community activities and excursions can also be organized upon student request.

    Хэрэгтэй материал:

    Паспорт оршин суух, дипломыг бид хуулбарыг бидэн рүү маел-ээр илгээхэд болно. Хорооны тодорхойлолт: Та өөрийн түрээсэлдэг байрын эзэнтэй яриад үнэ төлбөргүй оршин байгаа газрынхаа тодорхойлолтыг авах боломжтой. Тэгж авж чадахгүй бол бидэнд 100,000 төгрөг төлөөд биднээр оршин суугаа газрын тодорхойлолтоо гаргуулах боломжтой. Анализ: 5 шинжилгээ өгөх ёстой. 1. ДОХ 2. Сүрье 3. Элэгний В 4. Элэгний С 5. Тэмбүү Манай байгууллагатай хамтардаг 2 эмнэлэг байгаа. 10 хороололд байдаг Happy Veritas эмнэлэгт хямдралтай 37,000 төгрөгөөр шинжилгээ өгж болно. Харин хариу гарах үед та бидэнд рүү зургын маел-ээр илгээхэд болно Багшийн дээд IKH BARAAT эмнэлэгт 75,000 төгрөгөөр шинжилгээ өгж болно. Тухайн байгууллагын хариу бидэн рүү шууд майлээр ирэх тул та дахиж наашаа явах хэрэггүй.

    Материулуудаа дараах имэйлээр илгээнэ үү: delhiinsuvag@gmail.com

    Mongolian language class

    Beginner-Advanced class is from beginner to advanced level and lasts from 3 to 12 months and can continue to learn. Mongolia VISA is issued in category E-3.

    1 week – 2 days classroom and 1 day online training.

    English class:

    Beginner-Advanced class is from beginner to advanced level, duration is from 3 months to 12 months, and it is possible to learn again.Mongolia VISA is issued in category E-3.

    1 week– 2 days classroom and 1 day online training.

    Mongolian language and music combined course:

    In addition to the Mongolian language, this class also has the advantage of combining the training of MORIN KHUUR, which is a major representative of the national culture. In terms of Mongolian language, the program will focus on national culture and social culture.

    From 3 to 12 months, with the option to continue learning.

    Mongolia VISA is issued in category E-3.

    1 week– 2 days classroom and 1 day online training.